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Legal Services Disclaimer
The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Persons accessing this site are encouraged to seek independent counsel for advice regarding their individual legal issues. Similarly, persons accessing this site are encouraged to directly contact organizations providing legal services regarding their individual legal issues.
Research Sites
We offer Listings and Links to numerous Research Sites for
Case Law
Statutes & Regulations
Federal & Provincial Court & Tribunal Information
Case Law
Federal and Provincial
CanLII - Canadian Legal Information Institute: case law, legislation, and limited commentary
vLex Canada Open - Free access to Canadian case law and a selection of academic and popular commentary
British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) - British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, etc.
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) - Australian case law & legislation
Court of Justice of the European Union - Case law, legal publications, and annual reports
United Nations Human Rights Database - Jurisprudence emanating from the United Nations Treaty Bodies which receive and consider complaints from individuals
WorldLII World Legal Information Institute - Free, independent and non-profit access to worldwide law
Case law can also be found in the Quicklaw and Westlaw databases, available for use in the BLA library.
For an extensive listing of Canadian case law, please visit “On the Web: Where to find Canadian Case Law”, produced by the Great Library at the Law Society of Ontario.
Statutes & Regulations
CanLII - Full text statutes and regulations, updated weekly by CanLII from the e-Laws website
e-Laws - Official copies of Ontario’s statutes and regulations
Ontario Gazette - Ontario’s official publication for legislative decisions, proclamations of new statutes, all regulations, etc.
Bills & Lawmaking - Bills from current & previous Ontario Parliaments
Debates & Proceedings - Hansard transcripts, orders & notices, and votes & proceedings
Orders in Council - Digital copies of Orders approved after July 1, 2016
Osgoode Ontario Statutes Collection - Digital copies of pre-2000 statutes (annual & revised)
CanLII - Full text statutes and regulations, updated weekly by CanLII from the Justice Laws Website
Justice Laws Website - Official online source for consolidated Acts and regulations of Canada. Maintained by the Department of Justice. Includes current and repealed acts, as well as annual statutes 1995.
LEGISinfo - Access to a wide range of information about each bill before Federal Parliament
Parliamentary Business - Find Debates (Hansard transcripts) and other vital publications from current & previous sessions of Parliament
Projected Order of Business - Daily tentative working agenda
Table of Public Statutes and Responsible Ministers - Showing all the chapters of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, with their amendments, and certain other public Acts and their amendments
Table of Private Acts - All federal private Acts, other than those dealing with divorce, that have been published in the Statutes of Canada since 1867
Canada Gazette, Part I - Notices & Proposed Regulations
Canada Gazette, Part II - Official Regulations
Canada Gazette, Part III - Acts of Parliament
Orders in Council - You can search in Council from 1990 to present; those from November 2002 are a full-text available in full-text on the site; previous ones can be ordered.
Federal & Provincial Court & Tribunal Information
Ontario Courts
Ontario Administrative Tribunals
Federal Courts and Tribunals
Legal Research Guides & Practice Support Websites
The Canadian Legal Research and Writing Guide (Practical research guidance & useful links (check out the Step-by-Step Legal Research Process)
CanLII Tutorials (Search strategy basics in a series of short videos)
Federal & Provincial Court & Tribunal Information
LSO Great Library Research Guides (Pathfinders & research tools)
Representing Yourself (National Self-Represented Litigants Project: news, research & resources)
Steps to Justice (Step-by-step information about common legal problems)
Robichaud’s Criminal Law Precedents (Database of precedents for use by legal professionals)
CCLA Compendium of Damages Awarded in Personal Injury Actions Across Ontario (Updated yearly)
CCLA Compendium of Costs Awarded in Actions in Toronto, Central East Region, Central South Region, East Region, and Northeast Region (Updated yearly)
Dictionaries & Directories
The Canadian Online Legal Dictionary (Collaborative dictionary compiled and edited by Irwin Law)
Wex (LII's community-built, freely available legal dictionary and encyclopedia)
Language Portal of Canada (Links to writing resources, glossaries and dictionaries)
Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations (Meaning of abbreviations for English language legal publications)
Canadian Law List (Comprehensive directory of law firms, lawyers, judges and government departments in Canada)