Other Law Associations
and Libraries
The Great Library Spiral Staircase
The Law Society of Ontario
Osgoode Hall
In addition to the Regional, Area and Local Libraries in the County library system, Ontario also boasts the Great Library, managed by the Law Society of Ontario and located at Osgoode Hall.

Regional, Area & Local Libraries
There are 48 Regional, Area and Local Law Libraries across Ontario, managed by 46 Law Associations.
Below is a listing of all the Associations, with links to their websites where applicable. These various association websites contain a plethora of information of interest to their own members and others - thus the listings of their URLs for your easy access.
Regional Associations With Websites (All 6)
County of Carleton Law Association (Ottawa) https://www.ccla-abcc.ca/
Essex Law Association (Windsor) http://www.essexlaw.ca/
Hamilton Law Association (Hamilton) https://www.hamiltonlaw.on.ca/
Middlesex Law Association (London) https://middlaw.on.ca/
Toronto Lawyers’ Association (Toronto) https://www.tlaonline.ca/
York Region Law Association (Newmarket) https://yorklaw.ca/
Area Associations With (Websites 12)
Algoma District Law Association (Sault Ste. Marie) https://algomadistrictlawassociation.com/
Durham Region Law Association (Oshawa) https://www.drla.ca/
Frontenac Law Association (Kingston) https://cfla.on.ca/
The Halton County Law Association (Milton) https://haltoncountylaw.ca/
Kenora District Law Association (Kenora) https://kenoradistrictlawassociation.com/
The Lincoln County Law Association (St. Catharines) http://thelcla.ca/
Peel Law Association (Brampton) https://www.plalawyers.ca/
The Peterborough Law Association (Peterborough) https://peterboroughlaw.org/
Renfrew County Law Association (Pembroke) http://rcla.on.ca/
Sudbury District Law Association (Sudbury) https://sdla.ca/
Thunder Bay Law Association (Thunder Bay) https://tbla.ca/
Waterloo Region Law Association (Kitchener) https://www.waterloolaw.org/
Local Associations With Websites (24)
Brant Law Association (Brantford) http://brantlaw.ca/
Bruce Law Association (Walkerton) https://www.bruce-law-assoc.ca/home
Cochrane Law Association (Timmins) https://www.cochranelawassociation.com/
Dufferin County Law Association (Orangeville) https://dufferinlawyers.com/
Grey County Law Association (Owen Sound) https://www.greycountylaw.ca/
Hastings & Prince Edward Law Association (Belleville) https://www.hastingscountylaw.com/
Huron Law Association (Goderich) https://huronlawassociation.ca/
Kent Law Association (Chatham) https://kentlawassociation.wordpress.com/
Lambton Law Association (Sarnia) https://www.lambtonlaw.ca/
County of Lanark Law Association (Perth) https://countyoflanarklaw.ca/
Leeds & Grenville Law Association (Brockville) https://leedsgrenvillelaw.ca/
Muskoka Law Association (Bracebridge) http://www.muskokalaw.org/
The Nipissing Law Association (North Bay) https://www.niplawassociation.ca/
Norfolk Law Association (Simcoe) http://www.norfolklawassociation.com/
Northumberland County Law Association (Cobourg) https://www.northumberlandlawassociation.com/
Parry Sound Law Association (Parry Sound) http://www.parrysoundlawassociation.com/
County of Perth Law Association (Stratford) https://perthlawassociation.org/
Prescott & Russell Law Association (L’Orignal) https://www.prla-bdpr.ca/
District of Rainy River Law Association (Fort Frances) https://www.rrdla.ca/
Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Law Association (Cornwall) https://sdgla.ca/
Temiskaming Law Association (Haileybury) https://www.temiskaminglaw.ca/home
Victoria-Haliburton Law Association (Lindsay) https://www.vhlawassociation.com/
Welland County Law Association (Welland) http://wcla.ca/
Wellington Law Association (Guelph) https://wellingtonlaw.org/
Local Associations With No Website (5)
Elgin Law Association (St. Thomas)
Haldimand Law Association (Cayuga)
Lennox & Addington Law Association (Napanee)
Manitoulin District Law Association (Gore Bay)
Oxford County Law Association (Woodstock)